Propagate With Purpose Community Project
Propagate With Purpose Community Project
Hey there Plant Friends!
Here at Calatheas we feel supporting our Community is top priority. Thru the Propagate With Purpose project, we’re hoping to help support our fabulous grassroots groups who’s goal is to give a little helping hand to those in our community who may need it.
I need your help to make this project great!
There’s a couple of different ways you can be actively involved in this project.
Firstly, we have a cute little display cabinet in the studio dedicated to housing as many plant cuttings as possible. Each of the cuttings is available to go home with you, by monetary donation. Each time the “money pot” reaches $500, we will donate every cent to a local group, organization or cause to help them with the work they are doing.
Secondly, please bring us some cuttings to add to the cabinet! We want the cabinet FULL of beautiful little plant babies.
I promise Calatheas will never attempt to profit from any of the cuttings donated to the project. I believe strongly in karma, and I want to stay on the good side of it. That simple.
My vision is for this project to be embraced by all of you, for the cabinet to be an active community space and that together we’ll grow this project into something big.
Warmly, Vicki